Camille Bunting, Ph.D. is Associate Professor Emerita at Texas A&M University. She was Director of the Outdoor Education Institute in the Department of Health & Kinesiology and has led many outdoor adventure trips ranging in length from one day to one month. Her research interest was in the physiological and psychological response and recovery from outdoor adventure activities. Over the course of 28 years of teaching outdoor leadership, leading wilderness trips and hearing students’ reflections about their experiences, her interest shifted to the nurturing qualities of the natural environment. The practice of seeing spiritual metaphors began during these years spent outdoors in a variety of settings. Her Centering Prayer/meditation practice began in 2004 and proved to be a wonderful partner for the spiritual experiences of Nature.

This website and series of blog posts is created as a way to introduce elements of Nature as metaphors for spiritual meditation, contemplation and spiritual awakening. There are messages in Nature that are like art or icons.  They will speak to us if we take the time to allow our eyes and hearts to open.

The metaphors in this blog are just examples for you and are offered so you can learn how to see nature as a teacher, and then recognize nature metaphors for yourself. The plan for this blog is to offer one metaphor each week along with a bit of contemplative commentary.  I hope you will enjoy the experience, and begin to see and hear Whispers from Nature.

Camille is available for leading half or full day retreats. To communicate, email and be sure to put “retreat” in the subject area.