Spiritual Metaphors


This blog is being created as a way to introduce elements of Nature as metaphors for spiritual meditation and contemplation. There are messages in Nature that are like art or icons.  They will speak to us if we take the time to allow our eyes and hearts to open. As a result, steps of transformation can occur. It is not our job to transform ourselves, but to be willing for transformation to happen by Divine guidance.  Another way to think about transformation is its similarity to waking up from sleep. In our sleep we do not make a conscious decision to wake up, something else does the waking, but we do have the ability to open or not to open our eyes.


In the 5th chapter of Matthew, Jesus gives his recipe (known as the Beatitudes) for a happy (transformed) life, and the chapter ends with him saying to “be perfect.”  That line always was confusing to me as a young person since I thought that Jesus was the only human to have lived a perfect life.  Yet in the biblical book of Roman’s chapter 12 verse 1, Paul gives us a hint as to what that line may mean.  He says, “be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  A renewed mind is an awake mind to the awareness that God is at work in us when we are willing to be sculpted into His essence of Love (Philippians 2:13). Because then the energizing Christ will be our perfection.  But it must be our intention to allow the work to happen.


Metaphors in Nature are useful mental renewal tools. They can give food for contemplation, and wonder for the eye and soul. The plan for this blog is to offer one metaphor each week along with a bit of contemplative commentary.  I hope you will enjoy the experience.

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Nantahala kayaker.jpg