
Geodes remind me of burls on a tree.  They are just knotty rocks that look quite ordinary on the outside, but often have hidden beauty within.  Geodes are formed in hollow places in the ground where minerals can soak in and be trapped over time.  This process continues over thousands or millions of years and beautiful crystals can be formed inside those spaces. If the space is a large opening, there is room for individual crystals to form. Some of those crystals can be beautiful and large, while other crystals are smaller and close together. However, if the space in the ground is small the crystals will not develop into separate crystals, but will become as solid piece of crystalline rock similar to the picture below. 


So with our lives:  We also soak up things we are exposed to, and these influences tend to solidify.  Thus the saying, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  It is what we soak up that becomes the crystals of our essence. However, we also might think of ourselves as just plain and ordinary without much worth. But all along there is definite beauty inside, similar to the geode.  It just takes a little “cracking open” and polishing to allow that beauty to be seen. This is somewhat related to an acorn that must crack to allow the oak tree to sprout and develop. A geode that has formed inside an outer layer of minerals must be cracked open to see the beauty inside. A bed of distinct individual crystals may be found or a solid crystalline structure. Whichever it is, the process and structure are of the same substance. That which has crystalized from the outer minerals of the rock.  When our true essence shows through in our lives, it is often the result of some difficult situation to which we respond.  Are we a plain dull rock, or are we full of beauty?

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