Honeycomb Rock

Does this honeycomb limestone speak to you?

These holes allow underground water to flow through them in aquifers.  The limestone is soft enough to allow erosion to gradually increase the size of the holes.  And as it does so, the rock is sculpted into interesting and attractive shapes.  The holes serve our lives in a very important way by permitting the water to flow to create a larger area of water. We cannot live without water and underground aquifers are the life blood of our planet. Underground sections of gravel, limestone, sand and sandstone enable large and small pockets of water to provide drinking water for humans and animals and irrigation water for crops. It is vital for our survival. Most aquifers have a non-permeable layer at the bottom which prevents the water from continuing to seep downward. Where ever limestone is found in the aquifer, holes can be formed as a result of gradual erosion.


So with our lives:  Aquifers are part of the life blood of our planet. Just as there are currents in the oceans, there are currents of water flowing underground.  They are critical to our survival because we cannot live without water to drink and without water for all plant and animal life.  

What do we need allow to flow freely through us that has the ability to sculpt? What is as critical as to your spiritual growth and transformation as water is to your physical life?  For me, it is the whispers from Nature that remind me of spiritual lessons learned (or at least heard) over the course of my life. You too can hear such whispers if you relax and invite them to come to you, then simply be in joyful peace. A difference between us and limestone is that we can choose where we can be and what we are doing. Therefore, if we know what gives us spiritual life and formation, we can choose to make ourselves available to it.

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